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World Bank Group has released The 2018 Atlas of Sustainable Development goals

The Atlas of Sustainable Development Goals 2018presents maps, charts, and stories related to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

The data draw on the World Development Indicatorsthe World Bank’s compilation of internationally comparable statistics about global development and the quality of people’s lives.

The 2018 Atlas uses two primary methods for classifying and aggregating countries and economies—by income(as defined for the World Bank’s 2018 fiscal year) and by region.

The Atlas draws on the World Bank Group’s World Development Indicators, a database of more than 1,400 indicators for more than 220 economies, many going back over 50 years. It also explores new data from scientists and researchers where standards for measuring SDG targets are still being developed.

The authors note, that achieving the SDGs by 2030 will require more and better financing, a renewed focus on implementation to improve the lives of those hardest to reach, and significant improvements in data collection and analysis.

By Katsiaryna Serada

See the Atlas

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