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Rommana Patricia De Paiva

The Value of Biodiversity

The world population is growing at a very fast pace; with now more than 7 billion inhabitants, and projected to reach more than 9 billion by 2050. The pressure this huge population causes on the earth’s ecosystems is almost immeasurable. It’s even hard to know how many species are extinct since they are uncountable and we discover new species every year.

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Aleksandra Mineeva

Collaborative Consumption: Alternative Consumption Model in Urban Space

The blog uses two case studies of Amsterdam (the Netherlands) and Seoul (South Korea) to identify the determinants and objections to collaborative consumption in the urban space. At first, they can show us a broader perspective of the factors that influence collaborative consumption, and a second, because in these cities collaborative consumption was firstly in the world officially proclaimed as part of the urban policy and today has governmental support.

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Diana Garzón

Cosmopolitanism, identity, and education

The idea that identities can be collectively constructed could help us in understanding the difference without necessarily putting a wall of radical separation between “us” and “the other”. If people are able to reconcile the thought that any identity is constructed based on interaction and that “my” identity is not an island in a sea of identities but has a unique essence given the different interactions throughout life, individuals might start to realize the importance of interaction in order to construct its “own” identity.

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Land and water grabbing blog
Sabrina Contalbrigo

Land and water grabbing

Industries needed inputs and resources, and in most cases, this issue was resolved with the process of conquering foreign nations and “spaces”. Nowadays, land grabbing resembles this, and furtherance of this idea is water grabbing, where water resource is controlled and made use of.

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