SDWatch | Blog

Looking Back: SDWatch’s Official Launch, and the way forward

After months of consultations, countless hours of development and just as much time spent discussing, lobbying and preparing, was officially launched on the 29th of May 2018! We were proud to present the outcome of our hard work, the latest developments of this initiative and the way forward to our stakeholders, at the forefront of which, our fellow students and professors, as well as a handful of journalists and enthusiasts.

SDWatch’s launching event was concomitant to the European Sustainable Development Week(May 30th– June 5th), at the occasion of which thousandsof events, activities and initiatives took place across Europe. In parallel to SDWatch’s kick-off, Milan – and the whole of Italy – was buzzing with events coordinated under the umbrella of the Sustainable Development Festival (Festival Sviluppo Sostenibile), promoted by ASviS. Over the course of the coming weeks, we invite you to read students’ reports on events recently attended by students of the LL.M, which will not only give you an idea of the vibrant Community of enthusiasts animating the debate around Sustainable Development, but also allow you to take the best out of these activities, whether you attended… or missed them! We will also publish several of the best papers produced by our fellow students over the past year(s) and pre-fill your agenda for the upcoming weeks and months with promising events and opportunities you should not miss!

What’s next for us, you ask? SDWatch ambitions to establish itself as UniMi’s LL.M in Sustainable Development’s independent, student-led platform. This unprecedented initiative is a unique opportunity for students, professors, guests and their supporters to enrich the Community – and beyond – with original content related to the subject matter of the programme: Sustainable Development. Through the publication of reviewed papers, the close-monitoring of latest developments in the field, events,opportunities and reports on them, SDWatch explores sustainability, its legal bases and implications through different lenses. It seeks to report, inform and launch debates relevant to, and fed with, the work undertaken across all disciplines of the LL.M SD. Further, it looks at the broader picture, not only across the several fields of academia, but also through a fresh, sustainable look at our societies locally, across the country, our continent or globally. In order to strengthen this position, and to guide the growth of the platform, we are currently working on several new projects we cannot wait to introduce to you very soon, so stay tuned!

In the meantime, we welcome your feedback, suggestions and last but not least, your contributions.

The SDWatch Team

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