Technological innovation gets connected with decision making for sustainable development at the Global Sustainable Technology & Innovation (G-STIC) Conference in which all SDSN Belgium members take part. This year, the G-STIC conference will be part of a special SDG week, co-organized by SDSN Belgium.
The need for transformative changes is clear if we want to achieve the SDGs by 2030. Technology represents only one dimension of change, though. Changes in the social, financial, regulatory, institutional systems are urgently needed as well, and financial inclusion is vital. Choose among tens of inspirational sessions zooming in on all aspects of the change that we need.
Achieving the SDGs by 2030 demands for business-unusual approaches. We urgently need to accelerate the wide-scale deployment of breakthrough market-ready technological solutions.
All of us must therefore seize every opportunity to exchange groundbreaking ideas, best practices and lessons learned. Pick the action event that best fits your needs and engage with relevant stakeholders to underpin the concrete implementation of market-ready technological solutions.
The G-STIC conference is hosted jointly by VITO (the prime research and technology organization on cleantech and sustainable development in Belgium) and 7 other not-for-profit independent technology research institutes: ACTS (African Centre for Technology Studies, Kenya), FIOCRUZ (Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Brazil), GIEC (Guangzhou Institute of Energy Conversion, China), GIST (Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, South Korea), IITD (Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India), NACETEM (National Centre for Technology Management, Nigeria) and TERI (The Energy and Resources Institute, India).