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EU will accede to WIPO Agreement Raising GI Protection


The EU is acceding to the Geneva Act of the Lisbon Agreement for the protection of appellations of origin and their international registration (‘the Geneva Act”).

Geographical indication is a global phenomenon.

more than 8.000 GIs currently recognized in the various jurisdictions around the world. In spite of differences in approach and legal tradition, all countries in the world have unique products deeply rooted in their geographical environments, which contribute to the sustainable development of their communities (Vittori, 2017)

The move into non-agricultural GIs is seen as a significant shift, and received special treatment in the agreement.

The Geneva Act of the Lisbon Agreement is a treaty administered by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). It expands the scope of the Lisbon Agreement to cover not only appellations of origin but also geographical indications and allows international organisations (such as the EU) to become party to the Lisbon Union established under the Lisbon Agreement.

Each contracting party is obliged to protect on its territory the appellations of origin and geographical indications of products originating in other contracting parties.

The EU has exclusive competence for the areas covered by the Geneva Act. However, member states are authorised to accede to the Geneva Act alongside the EU and in the interest of the EU in order to ensure the EU’s voting rights.

By Katsiaryna Serada

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