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WTO Public Forum 2018 is taking place in Switzerland to consider what sustainable trade will look like in 2030 and beyond

Global development is now recognised by the 2030 Agenda as being characterised by multiple interconnected and indivisible realities as expressed in the 17 SDGs. Successful implementation of the ambitious global agenda calls for new approaches and methodologies to understand and evaluate these interlinkages between global challenges, their integrated nature, and their complexities. The UN Women …

WTO Public Forum 2018 is taking place in Switzerland to consider what sustainable trade will look like in 2030 and beyond Read More »

The expansion of agricultural production in China has been remarkable, but at the expense of the sustainable use of its natural resources, – says the recent OECD Report

The expansion of agricultural production in China has been remarkable, but at the expense of the sustainable use of its natural resources, – says the recent report of the OECD Innovation, Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability in China. Today, the environmental pressures, coupled with rising labour costs and a rapidly ageing rural population, require structural policy …

The expansion of agricultural production in China has been remarkable, but at the expense of the sustainable use of its natural resources, – says the recent OECD Report Read More »

Wetlands, amongst the world’s most economically valuable ecosystems

Wetlands, amongst the world’s most economically valuable ecosystems and essential regulators of the global climate, are disappearing three times faster than forests, says Global Wetland Outlook by the Ramsar Convention, a globally treaty ratified by 170 countries to protect wetlands and promote their wise use. “Wetlands, amongst the world’s most economically valuable ecosystems and essential …

Wetlands, amongst the world’s most economically valuable ecosystems Read More »

Critics who dismiss Paris because of the non-binding targets not only misunderstand what was possible, but also miss a larger point about the Paris idea, -says the recent report by Brookings Institution

On the eve of the COP 24 in Poland, the Brookings institution, one of the leading independent policy think tanks, has published the short report “Paris Agreement and its future”, where identified the significance of the Paris Climate Accord and addressed the main points of the critics made against it, namely non-binding targets. Critics who …

Critics who dismiss Paris because of the non-binding targets not only misunderstand what was possible, but also miss a larger point about the Paris idea, -says the recent report by Brookings Institution Read More »

UN: Hunger has been on the rise over the past three years, returning to levels from a decade ago

This reversal in progress sends a clear warning that more must be done and urgently if the SDG of Zero Hunger is to be achieved by 2030. New evidence continues to signal that the number of hungry people in the world is growing, reaching 821 million in 2017 according to The State of Food Security …

UN: Hunger has been on the rise over the past three years, returning to levels from a decade ago Read More »

On International Legally Binding Instrument Under the UNCLOS on the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Marine Biological Diversity of Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction (BBNJ)

Recently, the international community has become increasingly aware of the range of services provided by marine ecosystems and of the rich biodiversity of pelagic and benthic ecosystems beyond the limits of national jurisdiction (UN, 2017). The UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) was developed as a comprehensive system of law and order …

On International Legally Binding Instrument Under the UNCLOS on the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Marine Biological Diversity of Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction (BBNJ) Read More »

The World Economic Forum Sustainable Development Impact Summit 2018 was held in New-York this week

The World Economic Forum Sustainable Development Impact Summit 2018was held this week in New York, in the midst of the UNGA. It aimed at providing a multistakeholder platform for concerted action for achieving the SDGs and climate policy goals. The Sustainable Development Impact Summit builds on the agenda of the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting …

The World Economic Forum Sustainable Development Impact Summit 2018 was held in New-York this week Read More »

UN Secretary-General António Guterres urged Full Implementation of the Paris Agreement

In his recent speech delivered yesterday morning during General Debate of the 73rd session, UN Secretary General Antonio Gutteres has concentrated on “two epochal challenges”, which have taken on surpassing urgency – “direct existential thread of climate change” and the new risks associated with advances in technology. In respect to climate change the UN top …

UN Secretary-General António Guterres urged Full Implementation of the Paris Agreement Read More »

OECD: Three years on from the commitments made at COP21 in Paris, the overwhelming majority of governments have not taken the necessary action to contain growing risks to the climate.

With emissions on the rise again, OECD governments need to get serious about shifting their economies to a low-carbon model and stop investing in carbon-intensive infrastructure. According to the recent OECD Report Financing Climate Futures, three years on from the commitments made at COP21 in Paris, the overwhelming majority of governments have not taken the …

OECD: Three years on from the commitments made at COP21 in Paris, the overwhelming majority of governments have not taken the necessary action to contain growing risks to the climate. Read More »