SD in Depth

UNCTAD: The aim of achieving Sustainable Development Goal 12 on responsible consumption and production requires changing the linear production model

The aim of achieving Sustainable Development Goal 12 on responsible consumption and production requires changing the linear production model, says the recent research paper developing countries to facilitate sustainable development, especially in relation to the targets on technology and trade. According to the Report, the IPRs should be geared to each country’s level of development …

UNCTAD: The aim of achieving Sustainable Development Goal 12 on responsible consumption and production requires changing the linear production model Read More »

UN Biodiversity Convention and International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture commit to enhanced cooperation on access and benefit-sharing of genetic resources

A Memorandum of Cooperation (MoC) between the Secretariats of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)and the FAO International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (FAO International Treaty) was signed on July, 9 on the margins of the second meeting of the CBD’s Subsidiary Body on Implementation,held in Montreal from 9 to 13 …

UN Biodiversity Convention and International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture commit to enhanced cooperation on access and benefit-sharing of genetic resources Read More »

FAO: Transforming Food and Agriculture to Achieve the SDGs. 20 interconnected actions to guide decision-makers

The integrated and transformative nature of the 2030 Agenda requires the appropriate policy environment, that factors in, empowers and operationalizes intersectoral linkages and cross-sectoral collaboration. The success of transforming Food and Agriculture to achieve SDGs also depends upon “the fundamental premise” of the effective and transparent institutional cooperation across government, innovative public-private partnerships, empowering smallscale …

FAO: Transforming Food and Agriculture to Achieve the SDGs. 20 interconnected actions to guide decision-makers Read More »

UN Sustainable Development Goals Report 2018: The rate of global progress is not keeping pace with the ambitions of the Agenda

The global progress is not keeping pace with the ambitions of the Agenda 2030, necessitating immediate and accelerated action by countries and stakeholders at all levels, – says Sustainable Development Goals Report 2018. The Report is based latest data on selected indicators of the global SDG framework developed by the Inter-Agency and Expert Group on …

UN Sustainable Development Goals Report 2018: The rate of global progress is not keeping pace with the ambitions of the Agenda Read More »

Highlights of modern treaty making include a sustainable development orientation, preservation of regulatory space and improvements to or omissions of ISDS, says World Investment Report 2018

Imbalances in distributing the benefits of the international investment agreements, adoption of the Agenda 2030 have triggered the sustainable development-oriented reform of the global IIA regime. Since 2012, over 150 countries have taken steps to formulate a new generation of sustainable development-oriented IIAs which work for all stakeholders. Some countries revised their treaty models in …

Highlights of modern treaty making include a sustainable development orientation, preservation of regulatory space and improvements to or omissions of ISDS, says World Investment Report 2018 Read More »

The World Bank/IRBD launches Sustainable Development Bond to Focus Attention on Women and Children

Annually, the World Bank issues around USDeq. 40 billion in Sustainable Development Bonds in the global capital markets, the proceeds of all its bond support development programs that are aligned with its mission to end extreme poverty and boost shared prosperity and the Sustainable Development Goals. developing countries to facilitate sustainable development, especially in relation …

The World Bank/IRBD launches Sustainable Development Bond to Focus Attention on Women and Children Read More »

High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development will meet from July 9 to July 18, 2018

30.06.2018 The High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) on sustainable development will meet from 9 July to 18 July 2018. The HLPF is the main United Nations platform on sustainable development and it has a central role in the follow-up and review of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at the global …

High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development will meet from July 9 to July 18, 2018 Read More »

UNCTAD: Contrary to some perceptions, most migration in Africa today is intra-continental

The recent study by the UNCTAD “Economic Development in Africa: Migration”reveals that contrary to some perceptions, most migration in Africa today is intra-continental. The Intra-African migration is an essential compontent for deeper regional economic integration and growing prosperity on the continent, achieving the Africa’s agenda 2063. It can play a key role in the structural …

UNCTAD: Contrary to some perceptions, most migration in Africa today is intra-continental Read More »

Reshaping the foundations of multilateralism for more responsible, effective and inclusive outcomes

Reshaping the foundations of multilateralism, rethinking and deploying the full potential of international co-operation to promote human progress and protect the planet, became the theme of the OECD countries at the Ministerial level, held in Paris 30-31 May. developing countries to facilitate sustainable development, especially in relation to the targets on technology and trade. According …

Reshaping the foundations of multilateralism for more responsible, effective and inclusive outcomes Read More »

The WHO has a more active role to play in promoting sustainable innovation that would be more responsive to public health needs

Nearly 2 billion people have no access to basic medicines. High prices of medicines linked to current patent-centred and market-driven model of R&D, challenge implementing Agenda 2030, guided by the principle “leave none behind”. Alternative innovation models based on “de-linking” costs of R&D and prices of the medicines need to evolve in order to improve …

The WHO has a more active role to play in promoting sustainable innovation that would be more responsive to public health needs Read More »