SD in Depth

Effective private sector engagement in implementing and financing 2030 Agenda through development co-operation: opportunities, challenges, risks. Towards the guidelines on the private sector engagement

05.05.2019 The estimates suggest the existence of the investment gap in financing the 17 SDGs and 169 targets at least USD 2.5 trillion until 2030 a year (OECD, 2018; UNCTAD, 2018). The scale, scope and the technological complexity of implementing the transformative 2030 Agenda far exceed the capacities of the public sector to deal with …

Effective private sector engagement in implementing and financing 2030 Agenda through development co-operation: opportunities, challenges, risks. Towards the guidelines on the private sector engagement Read More »

Ecosystems approach can be a cost-effective way to achieve multiple SDGs, support implementation of the Disaster Risk Reduction agenda and Paris Agreement

Ecosystem services provide multiple societal benefits such as nutritious food and clean water, regulate disease and climate, support the pollination of crops and soil formation, and provide recreational, cultural and spiritual benefits. (UN, 2019)It has been widely recognized that despite an estimated value of $125 trillion (UN, 2019), the ecosystems services assets are not adequately …

Ecosystems approach can be a cost-effective way to achieve multiple SDGs, support implementation of the Disaster Risk Reduction agenda and Paris Agreement Read More »

UNEP: Countries will not meet the internationally agreed goal to minimize the adverse impacts of chemicals and waste by 2020, urgent action is required to reduce further damage to human health and economies

Chemicals play an important role in contemporary economy, implementing 2030 and achieving multiple SDGs. Whether the chemical industries will serve public good and improve people’s lives, reduce environmental harm and improve waste management, depends on the effective policy frameworks and laws, voluntary commitment of the industries to improve their process and production methods, introduce cleaner …

UNEP: Countries will not meet the internationally agreed goal to minimize the adverse impacts of chemicals and waste by 2020, urgent action is required to reduce further damage to human health and economies Read More »

Development-oriented approach to fighting the Illicit international trade in drugs and narcotic substances: aligning international drug policies to the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs

The drug problem became one of the most aching concerns for international policy-makers, that requires solutions like never before. The illicit trade in drugs involving the cultivation, manufacture, distribution, and sale of substances which are subject to the drug prohibition laws (UN, 2019) is estimated between 300 – 400bln a year or 7-8% of all …

Development-oriented approach to fighting the Illicit international trade in drugs and narcotic substances: aligning international drug policies to the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs Read More »


OECD: Digitalization, Globalization, and ageing bring opportunities but also risks widening disparities between workers

Key international organizations, national governments, leading policy think tanks and universities engage in the studies and discussions about the impact of digitalization (automation of work), new business models, demographic changes (population growth in developing countries and aging in developed ones), climate change and globalization on jobs, nature of work and ultimately, social sustainability in our …

OECD: Digitalization, Globalization, and ageing bring opportunities but also risks widening disparities between workers Read More »

UN: To achieve and sustain peace and sustainable development, multilateralism is not only the most efficient way, but the only possible way

This week, on April 24, the UN dedicated its one-day high plenary meeting to the first-ever International Day of Multilateralism and Diplomacy for Peace. María Fernanda Espinosa Garcés, President of the seventy-third session of the General Assembly, underscored the importance of multilateralism and the UN system in providing solutions to most pressing societal challenges. Ms. …

UN: To achieve and sustain peace and sustainable development, multilateralism is not only the most efficient way, but the only possible way Read More »

World Bank: By 2050, the world is expected to generate 3.40 billion tons of waste annually, increasing drastically from today’s 2.01 billion tons

By 2050, the world is expected to generate 3.40 billion tons of waste annually, increasing drastically from today’s 2.01 billion tons, says the recent World Bank Report “What a Waste 2.0. A Global Snapshot of Solid Waste Management to 2050”. Inadequate and improper waste collection and disposal negatively impact environmental sustainability and public health at …

World Bank: By 2050, the world is expected to generate 3.40 billion tons of waste annually, increasing drastically from today’s 2.01 billion tons Read More »

Devising the Development Assistance for achieving the SDG 8 and other relevant targets and SDGs

According to the recent estimates,half of the world’s population has no social protection and access to healthcare (ILO, 2019); 300 million workers in developing countries earn less than 1.9 US dollars a day; less than 60 percent of workers have formal contracts and 81 percent of all countries have violated the right to collective bargaining. …

Devising the Development Assistance for achieving the SDG 8 and other relevant targets and SDGs Read More »

Creative economy and Sustainable Development: how to leverage the potential of creative industries for implementing 2030 Agenda and achieving the SDGs.

Cultural and creative industries are major drivers of economies by capitalising US $2,3 billion or 3 percent of the global GDP (UNESCO, 2013). Globalization, facilitated by technology accelerated the export of creative goods at about 12 percent per annum in the developing world in the past decades. (UNDP, 2019)Creative economy promotes human-centred growth, creates 29.5 …

Creative economy and Sustainable Development: how to leverage the potential of creative industries for implementing 2030 Agenda and achieving the SDGs. Read More »

On the “impact imperative” for sustainable development finance and impact investments as a means to achieve the SDGs

Between $5-7 trillionneeded annually to achieve the SDGs (UNCTAD, 2017; WEF, 2018), including $4 trillion for Emerging Markets alone (WEF, 2018). In order to mobilize these essential financial resources for sustainable development, innovative models of development finance, public funding, private investments, need to evolve. The Addis Ababa Action Agenda (AAAA) encourages new forms and synergies …

On the “impact imperative” for sustainable development finance and impact investments as a means to achieve the SDGs Read More »