SD in Depth

World Investment Forum, entirely dedicated to Sustainable Development is taking place in Geneva from October 22 to October 26

The 2018 UNCTAD World Investment Forum is taking place in Switzerland on October 22-26. This year the event is entirely dedicated to financing sustainable development. Implementing the transformative 2030 Agenda and achieving the SDGs require significant capital — public, private, blended finance, particularly in key sectors such as infrastructure, food security and rural development, sustainable …

World Investment Forum, entirely dedicated to Sustainable Development is taking place in Geneva from October 22 to October 26 Read More »

The 14th AGM of the Intergovernmental Forum on Mining, Minerals, Metals and Sustainable Development (IGF) is taking place in Switzerland, with participants from more than 80 countries

The 14th AGM of the Intergovernmental Forum on Mining, Minerals, Metals and Sustainable Development (IGF) is taking place in Switzerland from October 16 to October 20. The IGF was one of the Partnership Initiatives launched at the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) in 2000 (Johannesburg, South Africa). The Forum serves as a platform for …

The 14th AGM of the Intergovernmental Forum on Mining, Minerals, Metals and Sustainable Development (IGF) is taking place in Switzerland, with participants from more than 80 countries Read More »

UN: In the period 1998-2017, disaster-hit countries reported direct economic losses of US$2,908 billion of which climate-related disasters accounted for US$2,245 billion or 77% of the total

October 13 is the International Day for Disaster Reduction. The overall theme of the International Day for Disaster Reduction (IDDR) in 2018 is reducing the economic loss of disasters. In advance of IDDR the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction has public the report, that demonstrates a dramatic rise of 151% in direct economic losses …

UN: In the period 1998-2017, disaster-hit countries reported direct economic losses of US$2,908 billion of which climate-related disasters accounted for US$2,245 billion or 77% of the total Read More »

Legally binding instrument to regulate transnational corporations will be discussed this month in Geneva

Legally binding instrument to regulate, in international human rights law, the activities of transnational corporations and other business enterprises, as well as the zero draft optional protocol annexed to the instrument will be discussed this month in Geneva Open-ended intergovernmental working group on transnational corporations and other business enterprises with respect to human rights, established …

Legally binding instrument to regulate transnational corporations will be discussed this month in Geneva Read More »

WTO and UN Environment issued a new study identifying ways to ensure that trade policies support a healthy environment and promote sustainable development.

03.10.2018 “The changing landscape on global trade and the environment adds a new dimension to historical challenges and requires new thinking on global and national governance mechanisms”, – says the joint publication “Making trade work for the environment, prosperity and resilience”, prepared by WTO and UN Environment issued yesterday. It details how governments can work …

WTO and UN Environment issued a new study identifying ways to ensure that trade policies support a healthy environment and promote sustainable development. Read More »

OECD: Governments have not taken the necessary action to contain growing risks to the climate

OECD: Three years on from the commitments made at COP21 in Paris, the overwhelming majority of governments have not taken the necessary action to contain growing risks to the climate. With emissions on the rise again, OECD governments need to get serious about shifting their economies to a low-carbon model and stop investing in carbon-intensive …

OECD: Governments have not taken the necessary action to contain growing risks to the climate Read More »

Summary for Policymakers of IPCC Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C got approved by governments

At the week-long meeting in the Republic of Korea government delegates considered the key findings of the report line-by-line and adopt these as the “Summary for Policy Makers” (SPM), that got approved few days ago and released today. The report’s full name is Global Warming of 1.5°C, an IPCC special report on the impacts of …

Summary for Policymakers of IPCC Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C got approved by governments Read More »

Climate change affects women’s and men’s assets and well-being differently—in terms of agricultural production, food security, health, water and energy resources, climate-induced migration and conflict, and climate-related natural disasters

Climate change affects women’s and men’s assets and well-being differently—in terms of agricultural production, food security, health, water and energy resources, climate-induced migration and conflict, and climate-related natural disasters, – said Åsa Regnér, Assistant Secretary-General of the UN and Deputy Executive Director of UN Women at “Empowering women through the sustainable management of natural resources: …

Climate change affects women’s and men’s assets and well-being differently—in terms of agricultural production, food security, health, water and energy resources, climate-induced migration and conflict, and climate-related natural disasters Read More »

WTO Public Forum 2018 is taking place in Switzerland to consider what sustainable trade will look like in 2030 and beyond

Global development is now recognised by the 2030 Agenda as being characterised by multiple interconnected and indivisible realities as expressed in the 17 SDGs. Successful implementation of the ambitious global agenda calls for new approaches and methodologies to understand and evaluate these interlinkages between global challenges, their integrated nature, and their complexities. The UN Women …

WTO Public Forum 2018 is taking place in Switzerland to consider what sustainable trade will look like in 2030 and beyond Read More »

The expansion of agricultural production in China has been remarkable, but at the expense of the sustainable use of its natural resources, – says the recent OECD Report

The expansion of agricultural production in China has been remarkable, but at the expense of the sustainable use of its natural resources, – says the recent report of the OECD Innovation, Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability in China. Today, the environmental pressures, coupled with rising labour costs and a rapidly ageing rural population, require structural policy …

The expansion of agricultural production in China has been remarkable, but at the expense of the sustainable use of its natural resources, – says the recent OECD Report Read More »