Impact – Assessment Intern

SDWatch | Opportunity


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IMPACT Initiatives is a humanitarian NGO, based in Geneva, Switzerland. The organisation manages several initiatives, including the REACH Initiative. The IMPACT team comprises specialists in data collection, management and analysis and GIS. IMPACT was launched at the initiative of ACTED, an international NGO whose headquarter is based in Paris and is present in thirty countries. The two organizations have a strong complementarity formalized in a global partnership, enabling IMPACT to benefit from ACTED’s operational support on its fields of intervention.

Under the functional supervision of the IMPACT Country Focal Point in Iraq and of IMPACT’s HQ in Geneva, the IMPACT Assessment Intern supports all stages of IMPACT assessments, including their preparation, implementation and follow-up.

During his/her mission, the IMPACT Assessment Intern will be hosted by ACTED and will fall under the direct responsibility and management of ACTED’s Country Director and his/her delegates for all Administrative, Security, Logistics and Finance issues. S/he will therefore fully abide by ACTED’s Security, HR, Administration and Logistics rules and regulations.

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